SPC's Yearbook Layout Options

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With SPC you have 5 options for assembling your pages. Choose the one that's right for you.

Layout On your Computer

Use your computer and any desktop publishing program to assemble your pages and send SPC your completed files ready to print.

Layout On your Computer (except the portrait pages)

The portrait pages are the hardest to do and take the most time. Use your computer and any desktop publishing program to assemble all pages except your portrait pages. Send the portrait CD from your photographer and SPC will do the portrait pages for you. Send your Portrait CD before March 1 and ther is no charge for this service!!

Layout On The Internet

You can layout your pages on the internet using the Yearbook Fusion program by Lumapix. Our customer service representatives can walk you through the process.

Layout Your Pages By Hand

If you still prefer the old fashioned paste up by hand method, simply mail your completed layouts. We'll scan them into our computer.

Let SPC Do All the Layouts For You

Send us your pictures and a word document with your names and captions, along with your layout instructions. SPC will assemble your pages for you.